

HLTH Europe is delighted to welcome leading policy makers, politicians and regulators to Europe’s #1 healthcare innovation event.

Why attend HLTH Europe?

Join us for HLTH Europe 2025, a premier gathering of leaders across the European health ecosystem. Building on the success of our inaugural event, HLTH Europe 2025 will convene over 5,000 key stakeholders from more than 50 countries, including senior representatives from ministries, government agencies, and regulatory bodies.

This event offers a unique platform to engage with Europe's leading health experts from healthcare providers and payers, life sciences, medical device and health technology companies, as well as startups and investors. Together, we will exchange best practices and collaboratively shape the future of healthcare across borders. We would be delighted to welcome you to HLTH Europe 2025 to drive impactful change and lead healthcare innovation.

Health Transformation Summit

In collaboration with the World Economic Forum, HLTH Europe and BCG joined forces to establish the Health Transformation Summit to serve as a nexus for Europe's most senior policymakers.

Building on the success of the inaugural event in 2024, the next edition of the invite-only Summit takes place at HLTH Europe 2025. It unites Europe’s most senior policymakers to share best practices and collaboratively chart a path towards healthcare transformation.

2024 government agenda highlights

Bored of borders: Breaking down Europe’s silos

'It’ll never work in our healthcare system’ sneered the health minister. 'Our system is different and unique’.

‘Nor ours’, added their international counterpart. ‘Our people, system, and health issues are all entirely idiosyncratic’.

Except…well…they’re not, are they? If the pandemic showed us anything, it’s that health doesn’t really care about lines on a map. Every system has its own challenges, its own quirks, its own individualities. But better outcomes were never achieved by looking only inwards.

What can we learn from our neighbours? What technology, best practices and ways of working can we transfer to improve our own systems? And how do we ensure the default setting is symbiosis, not silos?

High stakes: Is health's aversion to risk killing us?

It's been 2,500 years since Herodotus uttered the phrase ‘Great deeds are usually wrought at great risks’, and yet despite a two-and-a-half-millennia head start, risk and healthcare remain uneasy bedfellows.

he history of healthcare is littered with pioneers who took extraordinary risks - from Jenner's smallpox vaccine to Curie’s pioneering work with radiation. But with medical litigation on the rise across Europe, have we become too risk-averse to usher in a new era of medicine?

New kids on the block: Exploring unconventional players in healthcare

At a high level, the map of players in European healthcare is a relatively simple one. Payers, providers, life sciences, healthtech.

But new players are moving into the space. Organisations that aren't generally associated with health. Think Uber, energy providers or postal services. And many more…

These unconventional entrants are reshaping a new corner of the landscape by capitalising on their expansive networks and customer bases. This diversification underscores the dynamic evolution underway within the European healthcare ecosystem.

As these new players continue to redefine health, how might their entry influence the roles of the traditional healthcare players? What innovative solutions could arise from this expanding map of players? And what can we all learn from the new kids on the block?

Radical reimbursement: Why the payer-provider model needs a superhero approach

Healthcare: 2024. A frenzy of fee-for-service, spiralling costs, workforce burnout and pandemic fallout.

But look up to the skies? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s radical reimbursement! In it swoops. Caped and charismatic. Challenging the status quo. Embracing a new approach. Instead of counting pennies for every procedure, it clamours for change.

As Europe's population swells and ages, this radical rebel is needed more than ever. Rewarding providers for delivering first-class care and outstanding outcomes. Championing patient satisfaction and cost-efficiency. Be gone, old ways – radical reimbursement is here!

So how can reimbursement be repurposed to meet the needs of today’s health systems and patients? And who’s responsible for the change?

2024 speaker highlights

Selected government speakers on the HLTH Europe agenda in 2024 included...

Aurimas Peckauskas

Minister of Health

Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania

Daphne Khoo

Deputy Director-General of Health ACE

Ministry of Health, Singapore

Francesca Colombo

Head of Healthcare


Nick Schneider

Head of Division 511 on New Technologies and Data Use

Federal Ministry of Health, Germany

Rita Sá Machado

Director-General of Health, General Directorate of Health

Ministry of Health, Portugal

Wiebke Löbker

Head of Unit Innovation Office, Advice, Change Management



About HLTH Europe


HLTH Europe is the continent’s #1 healthcare innovation event. Following an enormously successful first event in 2024 and the exponential growth of HLTH in the US, this landmark event is where global expertise meets local insight to address Europe's unique healthcare challenges and opportunities.


2025 | HLTH Europe: 16-19 JUNE | Sponsor | Register
2026 | HLTH Europe: 15-18 JUNE
2027 | HLTH Europe: 21-24 JUNE
2028 | HLTH Europe: 19-22 JUNE


2024 | HLTH US: Oct 19-22

2025 | ViVE: Feb 16-19

2025 | HLTH US: Nov 15-18

2026 | HLTH US: Oct 17-20

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