

Welcome to Europe's hottest event for investors.

Why attend HLTH Europe?

Join us for HLTH Europe 2025, the event uniting every segment of the European health ecosystem. Building on the immense success of our inaugural event, HLTH Europe 2025 will connect over 4,500 health leaders from more than 50 countries, including top decision-makers from providers, payers, government, pharma, startups, investors, and health tech.

This is your chance to engage with Europe’s foremost health officials, policymakers, and politicians as they share best practices and collaboratively shape the future of healthcare. If you want to drive meaningful change and be at the forefront of healthcare innovation, HLTH Europe 2025 is the place to be.

2024 investor agenda highlights

Thrills, pills, and VC bills: What will it take to unleash innovation in the world of drug development

Drug development and rapid innovation are unlikely bedfellows.

Drug development is, by its very nature, a long-winded, wieldy, hyper-expensive process. However, the integration of artificial intelligence, high-throughput screening techniques, and advanced computational modelling has catalysed the identification of potential drug candidates and expedited the prediction of their efficacy and safety profiles.

Are we finally entering an era where the once-distant notions of drug development and rapid innovation are becoming increasingly intertwined? And what will it take for the industry to fully harness the potential of novel tools and strategies to address unmet medical needs in a more efficient and agile manner?

Blinded by AI: The Turing Test Live

In 1950, Alan Turing came up with The Imitation Game, later renamed in his honour.

The idea was simple. Imagine you have a conversation between a human A, and a computer programme B, through a text-based interface. Another human C is the judge. The judge's task is to have separate conversations with person A and programme B without seeing them, and then try to decide which one is the human and which one is the computer programme.

In this live blind Turing test panel, the audience is the judge, asked to work out who of our unsighted panellists is a human, and who is reading straight from a generative AI prompt.

Will you be able to work out who's shooting from the hip and who's words were written by a chip?

Missed the exit?: Health keeps on trucking despite IPO jam

In 2021, health was in cruise control. Ticking over at 130 km/h, with an IPO every few kilometres, a clear road ahead, and not a cloud in the sky. Looking back as 2020 disappeared in our mirrors we were forging ahead, free to forget about past issues and objections.

As we soared up to junction 2022 though, a jam appeared. Just one lane at first, then rapidly filling the highway. The skies grew darker. Warning lights started to appear. Slowly at first, then with rapid, debilitating, frequency. Objections in the mirror were indeed closer than they had appeared. If you looked just at the public markets, and their reaction to healthtech over the last two years, you could be forgiven for questioning whether an IPO is (still) a legitimate route for the sector.

With a number of high-profile firms down over 95% from their IPO, many have questioned whether this is indicative of a wider trend in venture-backed healthtech. After the SPAC-attack of 2021, and the subsequent fallout, and with VCs sat on more LP cash than ever before, can healthtech companies really still dream of an IPO? Or should they be set up to explore other exit routes?

Goldmine or fool’s gold?: Extracting value from health data

Healthcare data is a veritable feast - trillions of rows, across billions of patients, housed in millions of silos globally.

It's a little-known law, but healthtech startups are now legally required to have the phrase 'data-driven' somewhere on their website, just to be able to get a seat at the table (or the next round of investment). Data has transformed industries globally - from finance to shipping, energy to retail. Healthcare data has the power to transform our lives more than any other, but it’s still far from realising its maximum potential.

Underutilised, siloed, and mired in ethical and moral debate. To access the potential goldmine, the conversation has to finally move forward. Where will data make the most effective difference in healthcare? And how do we excavate this impenetrable goldmine?

2024 speaker highlights

Alyssa Jaffee



Christian Angermayer


Apeiron Investment Group

United Kingdom

François-Xavier Duchateau

Group Chief Medical Officer

Allianz Partners


Heyo Kroemer


Charité – University Medicine Berlin


John Halamka

President, Mayo Clinic Platform
Mayo Clinic


Karen DeSalvo

Chief Health Officer



See the 2024 investor agenda

With over 80 sessions and 300 speakers at HLTH Europe 2024, we curated a tailored agenda for investor attendees. See the highlights below.

About HLTH Europe


HLTH Europe is the continent’s #1 healthcare innovation event. Following an enormously successful first event in 2024 and the exponential growth of HLTH in the US, this landmark event is where global expertise meets local insight to address Europe's unique healthcare challenges and opportunities.


2025 | HLTH Europe: 16-19 JUNE | Sponsor | Register
2026 | HLTH Europe: 15-18 JUNE
2027 | HLTH Europe: 21-24 JUNE
2028 | HLTH Europe: 19-22 JUNE


2024 | HLTH US: Oct 19-22

2025 | ViVE: Feb 16-19

2025 | HLTH US: Nov 15-18

2026 | HLTH US: Oct 17-20

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